Spectrum 19 & Expose 10

Dominick Saponaro Expose 10 Award of Excellence
Dominick Saponaro - Destroyermen 1 - Spectrum Illustration Annual
Dominick Saponaro - Expose Illustration Annual
Dominick Saponaro - Expose Illustration Annual - A Princess of Mars
Dominick Saponaro - Spectrum Illustration Annual - Destryermen: Unknown Seas Book Cover

Some shots of my work in the most recent Spectrum 19 & Expose 10 illustration annuals.  I was certainly honored to be included, but when I received my artist copies in the mail I was downright ecstatic!  Destroyermen I was printed full page showing off all the brush work and Swashbuckle Dom (Printed full page as well) received an award of excellence.  My A Princess of Mars1027, & Destroyermen II pieces were also included.  Really looking forward to Spectrum Live this May!



While I don't have any, Ive always loved tattoos.  So when the good folks over at Spirit Gallery Tattoo contacted me and said they had a client that wanted to use my 1027 painting as the basis for some ink, I said "Absolutely!"

Since I used myself as the model for the main figure in the painting I love the fact that someone now has my face permanently tattooed on their body.  Poor guy.

Now, if I can only get someone to tattoo Swashbuckle Dom on themselves.  Im thinking very large sprawled across their back would be best.  Any takers?  Anyone...